Friday, October 28, 2011

Section Materials 2


أختبار القوام القياسي لعجينة الاسمنت

الغرض من الاختبار :

تعيين كمية الماء الازمه لتشكيل عجينه قياسيه من الاسمنت تسمح لطرف أسطوانة جهاز فيكات بالنفاذ خلالها الي نقطه تبعد عن قاع قالب جهاز فيكات مسافه من 5 مم الي 7 مم.

الاجهزه المستخدمه :

1-      جهاز فيكات
2-      ميزان حساس

خطوات الاختبار : 

1-      تحضير كميه من الاسمنت وزنها 400 جم يضاف إليها كميه مناسبه من الماء تقدر ب 30 % من وزن الاسمنت الجاف وتجري عملية الخلط جيداً لتجهيز عجينة الاسمنت بحيث تكون مدة الخلط 4 دقائق.

-      تعريف مدة الخلط : هي الزمن المحصور بين اضافة الماء الي الاسمنت الجاف حتي بداية مليء قالب جهاز فيكات بعجينة الاسمنت.

2-      يمليء قالب جهاز فيكت بعجينة الاسمنت السابق تحضيرها ثم يساوي سطح العجينه مع حافة القالب.

3-      يوضع القالب في الجهاز ثم يدلي الطرف الاسطواني للإبره ببطء حتي يلمس سطح العجينه ثم يترك بعد ذلك حراً.

4-      يحد مقدار نفاذ الطرف الاسطواني في عجينة الاسمنت لتعيين المسافه بينه وبين قاع القالب بواسطة التدرج الموجود بالجهاز.

5-      يعاد عمل عجائن تجريبيه بكميات مختلفه من الماء للوصول الي كمية الماء التي تعطي عجينة الاسمنت ذات القوام القياسي.

6-      يمكن أستعمال النتائج التي تم الحصول عليها من العجائن المختلفه لرسم منحني يمثل العلاقه بين النسبه المؤيه للماء وبعد طرف اسطوانة الجهاز عن قاع القالب ويحدد من هذا المنحني كمية الماء التي تعطي عجينه قياسيه وتتراوح نسبة الماء اللازمه لتشكيل العجينه القياسيه بين 26-30%
   من وزن الاسمنت لجميع انواع الاسمنت.

أختبار تعيين زمن الشك الابتدائي والنهائي للأسمنت

الغرض من الاختبار :

- تعيين زمن الشك الابتدائي والنهائي للأسمنت.

- تبعا للمواصفات المصريه لا يقل زمن الشك الابتدائي للاسمنت عن 45 دقيقه
 ولا يذيد زمن الشك النهائي عن 10 ساعات.

تعريف زمن الشك الابتدائي : هو الزمن الذي مضي من لحظة إضافة الماء للأسمنت الجاف بنسبة ماء العجينه القياسيه المحدده من الأختبار السابق ( أختبار القوام القياسي لعجينة الاسمنت) إلي اللحظه التي تستطيع أبرة جهاز فيكات أن تنفذ في عجينه الاسمنت بحيث يبعد طرفها مسافه لا تذيد عن 5مم من قاع قالب الجهاز.

تعريف زمن الشك النهائي : هو الزمن الذي يمضي من لحظة اضافة الماء للأسمنت الجاف غلي اللحظه التي تستطيع أبرة جهاز فيكات أن تخترق عجينة الاسمنت مسافة أقل من 5 مم ( أي تستطيع ابرة جهاز فيكات أن تترك أثراً لها ولا يظهر اثر لحرف القرص الاسطواني المثبت حولها )   

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Soils with problems

Definition of soil problems

Know the problems of soil in accordance with the Code of Egypt, as the soil that cause problems which may lead to the collapse of the above place of origin, or - at best - are causing problems with his engineering and possibly to neighboring facilities, and because of the nature, composition and impact of the circumstances.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Civil Engineering Library

This site is looking you in the books that are hundreds of thousands of dollars and simply provided free.
Kutub website offering a large range of books in Civil 
.Engineering and Architecture 

Once you click on this link will take you to the largest free electronic engineering library.
A giant site to download all the books is only Click Registration to this site by gmail.

Library of soil mechanics and foundation and borings work .

British Standard Part 1
British Standard Part 2
British Standard Part 3                                        
British Standard Part 4
British Standard Part 5
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Fluid Mechanics 

Fluid Lectures
كتاب دليل الالات والمعدات الهندسيه
مجموعة كتب في الانشاء المعماري
كتاب أعمال الحداده المسلحه
الكود المصري للخرسانه
الكود المصري لإدارة مشروعات التشييد
قاموس المصطلحات الفنيه لميكانيكا التربه والاساسات 
تقنية المواد المدنيه
خواص و اختبارات التربه 
مجموعة كتب في الهندسه المدنيه  
Soil Mechanics
Soil Engeneering
Tunneling in Weak Rocks
Soil Behaviour Earthquake Geotechnics
Soil Analysis
BSI Design
Structural Analysis

Fields of Civil Engineering

 Structural EngineeringThis means specialized analysis and design of concrete structures and steel such as buildings multi-role, bridges, towers, etc., and examine the bearing and resistance to these facilities for the loads resulting from the use and also the result of the impact ofwind and earthquakes, as well as study of the properties of materials used in construction according to international specifications for construction and material properties.

Geotechnical Engineering

Geotechnical Engineering : Interested in this field study the geometric properties of the land on which the established engineering, whether that land, soil or rock, and the durability of the loads and to find appropriate solutions to any problems in the floor of origin, as well as choose the best and safest ways to design and implementation of the foundations of the origin of engineering.

Water Resources & Hydraulics Engineering 

Water Resources & Hydraulics Engineering : This study area covers the basics of hydrology and related theories and applications on them. Including ways to transfer water from its sources to the distribution areas through pipelines and canals, and water sources and how to maintain them and stored for use when needed, and dams types and methods of design, as well as the movement of the waves of the sea and its impact on the coast, and how to repel to create the port types and related docks and dock.

Environmental Engineering  
Environmental Engineering : This involves a study of methods and techniques necessary to preserve the environment and ensure the availability of the necessary elements of life such as water and air, a certain level of quality to maintain human health and the environment. Examples include the design and implementation of water distribution networks and collection systems of waste water and rain water treatment plants and treatment plants, wastewater re-use in the industrial, agricultural, and also study different techniques to reduce air pollutants, water, and thyroid gland proper disposal of solid and hazardous waste and take advantage of them.

Transportation Engineering 
Transportation Engineering : Include the study in this area to outline subject to transport regulations in line with the immediate needs and future, and to develop engineering specifications for such systems and specifications of roads and airports, parking lots, and operation of traffic including the design of traffic lights and other light and operation of public transport.

Construction Engineering & Management :  Work includes construction engineer engineering project management and associated planning and control at the time and cost of the project, taking into account the safety and quality and regulations, laws and economic factors. Construction and engineering requires a combination of knowledge in areas including computer applications, methods and equipment construction and decision-making and risk management, management engineering, law and other 

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Railway Engineering


Geologists confirm that the iron is about 35% of the composition of Earth, as it preserves the balance of earth and iron because the iron minerals more stable and intensity as the density of up to 7874 km 3. And maintains the iron on the Earth's gravity because it is characterized by the highest degree of magnetism, and needs to be a single atom of iron to the enormous energy exceeds the total solar energy. Also due to iron out remnants of comets and meteorites, which weighs tens of thousands of tons have been discovered, some in Australia and America. Did not reach the flag of the benefits of iron in the early sixties, where scientists found that the origin of iron is not the earth, but from outer space and that remnants of asteroids and meteors that fall on the planet, as the atmosphere prevents some of them to ashes when it enters the scope of the land and the rest Down on the planet different shapes and sizes. The scientists revealed recently that the iron can not be formed within the solar system, where the sun is a star with energy and heat is not sufficient for the integration of elemental iron, which is why the scientists say that the iron has been incorporated outside our solar system, and then came down to Earth by comets and meteorites . Currently Astronomers believe that comets and meteorites is a cosmic projectiles from atoms of different sizes and is made up of iron and other metal for that iron is the first metal known on earth as it falls from the sky, are pure in the form of meteorites. - Explained, "Arthur Beers" The meteorite was Nksimha to 3 types: 1 - iron meteorites: It consists of iron and nickel increased by more than 98%. 2 - stone and iron meteorites: Consisting of approximately 50% of iron and nickel and the other 50% is composed of rock, called (Polyolefin). 3 - stone meteorites: which include stones, and stones are divided into several types. And falls in each year thousands of asteroids and comets on the planet, some of which may sometimes weighs tens of tons. In 1902, a meteorite found in the United States amounted to (62 tons) is composed of iron and nickel alloys. In the mandate of the "Arizona" has the latest Shahab huge crater depth (600 feet) in diameter (4000 feet) has reached amounts of iron extracted from the fragments mixed with nickel tens of tons. In spite of these advantages that characterize the iron from other metals, but scientists have not come to the industrial importance of iron only during the 18 th century ie after the descent of the Holy Quran in 12 century, where scientists discovered the iron industry, and discovered the easiest means to remove iron and entered the iron in all industrial areas as its core, it uses the most appropriate metal for the arms industry and the basis for all heavy and light industries as well. It must be borne in mind that iron is an essential for all living organisms, and plants. At the end of our conversation on the iron must point to agree numerical wondrous said Dr. Zaghloul El-Naggar, where shall call him a professors Chemistry in Australia that the number Surat iron agrees atomic number of the metal iron is (56), while the approved number of the verse iron atomic number of the metal iron is (26 ), Glory be informed of Muhammad peace be upon him all these scientific facts. It seems that the iron metal is of great importance as the God Almighty to make a chapter in the Quran as iron that Almighty Lord of the Worlds creator says in the book universes Aziz. Almighty God said: {We sent Our Messengers with Clear Signs and sent down with them the Scripture and the Balance of the people with justice, and We sent down iron in which very significant benefits to the people and God knows of victory and His messengers, unseen, Allah is Strong, Almighty} [iron: 25] Says commentators in this verse is that the iron has been revealed from heaven did not exist on Earth before and are backed up in saying this hadeeth narrated from Umar ibn al-Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him) the Prophet (peace be upon him) that he said (Allah has sent down four blessings from the sky: the iron and fire, water, salt). But deep bass Mamni What are the benefits referred to in the words of the Quran Allah, the Exalted} it quite severe and the benefits to the people} Chemists have found that iron is more stable minerals is not known so far into the metal iron has a stability and strength and intensity of intolerable pressure.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Gravity Dams

Gravity Dams
Featuring Static equilibrium situation of dams under the influence of the weight of the constituents of the structure of the dam, using normal concrete in the construction of the dam's base, which is not necessary that the crumpled concrete with high quality, where this rule is resistant to crushing, preferably engineered to arise
This rule over the layers of rock.

Rocks used in Road

Igneous Rocks
 granite, basalt, gabbro and the most important species used in the best way to carry big weights.

Metamorphic Rock 

marble, gneiss and schist column is not suitable as material for road construction because it is weak in bearing pressure means the break.

Sedimentary rocks 

limestone, sandstone and clay stone used limestone and dolomite in the construction of roads to withstand the pressure.

Importance of EngineeringFaults and Joints and Folds

The selection of sites affected by the various engineering structures are very large presence of faults and folds, as they affect the safety of facilities, and pose a significant risk it.
The presence of faults or breaks, reduces the resistance of the rocks of the jurisprudence, and introduced the facilities provided by them to collapse.
The folds also a problem, since the existence of structures concave folds it with a great ability to collect ground water, causing water problems at large Construction of buildings or tunnels located in areas where this kind of folds So we justify the importance of geological studies and their role in avoiding collapse of structures and buildings in the regions illustrated by the geological maps based on these studies, as well as to avoid the high costs that may be borne by the concerned authorities In the event that set up these projects on the areas of joints and faults and folds, as well as the lives that may lose by default in the implementation of geological studies.

Types of Gypsum

Gypsum Raw 
used immediately after extraction from the rocks of the earth's crust without any industrial processes is also used in the manufacture of portland cement.

 Agricultural gypsum 

Gypsum ore used in the reclamation of agricultural land.

Industrial gypsum 

Industrial gypsum is extracted from raw gypsum rock is then  is Cracking then burned in ovens and  Enthroned.

Industrial Gypsum is divided into three types 

1-Gypsum Municipal

Gypsum Municipal is used in the white , lining and epithelium.

2-Gypsum plaster

Characterized by great white, turquoise, bright layer used Dharp  Bishop Walls.

3-Gypsum composition

Easy configuration used in the manufacture of statues and decorative.

Marble and ornamental stones

Used marble and ornamental stones in the work of coatings for buildings from the outside and the inside and the floors of the buildings and facilities important in the role of the gateway.
Marble is extracted from marine metamorphic rocks.
Ornamental stones extracted from igneous or sedimentary or metamorphic.

Marble and ornamental stones. 

Egyptian Alabaster 

marble hardness less to light yellow color and has white veins.


It has different colors according to the Powerline MU fossils in it. 

Marble Diabetes 

stones for decoration with crystals form around the form of 
granulated sugar. 


Marble Green, a rock which contains a metal key two 


Used in construction and in the ornamental purposes of the colors red, black and gray.  

Concrete Materials

Sand and gravel

Sand and gravel concrete and cheaper components extracted from the sediment of the river or beach deposits
The advantage of river sediment to increase the content of silicon dioxide.

Granite : Rock solid foundation. Excellent in the concrete Industry.

Basalt : Rock solid foundation. Excellent in the concrete Industry.
Sandstone : Used if a solid high density.

Limestone : used if a solid with a high density free from Irksome.


Cement Portland cement or rapid hardening caused burning limestone and clay, then add the plaster after the burning process.